Relationships are complex and multilayered. As such, they need to be continuously nurtured if these connections are to remain strong and resilient. One of the most effective ways to strengthen and deepen an intimate relationship is through couples therapy. For many people, couples therapy is considered a last ditch effort to try and save a failing or troubled relationship. This, however, is a misguided notion about what couples therapy actually is. Although it can do wonders for relationships in turmoil, it can also be very beneficial for couples who believe they have a strong and loving relationship. Interestingly, couples therapy isn’t only for romantic relationships; therapy with two people present can also be helpful for platonic relationships, friendships, parent-child relationships, and siblings. As your local therapist in Hermosa Beach, I believe couples therapy will not only strengthen your current relationship, but it will help you be the partner and person you want to be in all of your relationships.
What Is Couples Therapy?
Couples therapy is ultimately defined by the two people involved, the couple. This couple can be any combination of individuals: friends, a mother and daughter, a sister and brother, a married couple, and more. There are no restrictions on couples therapy. As your Hermosa Beach therapist, we use couples therapy to identify and talk through blind spots. Blind spots are present in all relationships, whether they are romantic or not. We all have blind spots: they are things you do without noticing, but that may significantly impact those closest to you. Unfortunately, if not identified, blind spots can lead to a lack of communication and misunderstandings. A therapist can help a couple identify these particular blind spots and how to effectively address them and the impact that they are having on the relationship.
Therapy Is A Sounding Board
Participating in couples therapy does not mean your relationship is failing or, in the case of intimate relationships, that you are on the brink of breakup or divorce. It is perfectly healthy to go to couples therapy even within a strong relationship. Therapy can be used as a sounding board or as a space to explore areas that could be strengthened in the relationship. For example, many couples choose to see a couples therapist when an agreement cannot be reached. There may not be an argument or a large problem to address, but some sort of compromise needs to be reached. A therapist can be the unbiased voice that helps two people have that dialogue together.
Understand The Other Perspective
In any relationship, romantic or not, it can be difficult to truly understand another person’s perspective. Whether it is a disagreement or a life decision, it is always hard to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and fully understand their opinion and thoughts. This is where a therapist can help. Again, the therapist is an objective, trained professional. Your therapist can help you understand yourself and your partner more clearly. He or she can help you navigate your emotions, your partner’s emotions, and how to address any issue effectively while being respectful of your partner the entire time.
Call Your Hermosa Beach Therapist Today!
For more information about couples therapy, please contact the office of Dr. Kelly Mothner. As always, if you have questions or concerns, please never hesitate to ask. This is an inclusive, positive space in which all opinions and questions are welcome. To schedule your couples therapy appointment, call my Hermosa Beach office. I look forward to hearing from you.